*BSD News Article 83744

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From: mustang@fullbore.eng.sun.com (Shane Sigler)
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc,comp.unix.solaris,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Apache much slower than Netscape ! ?
Date: 27 Nov 1996 18:51:55 GMT
Organization: Sun Microsystems
Lines: 38
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <57i2kb$bfs@engnews2.Eng.Sun.COM>
References: <aak2.848946036@Isis.MsState.Edu> <57crf3$scc@agate.berkeley.edu> <aak2.849099802@isis.msstate.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: fullbore.eng.sun.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix:22456 comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc:6217 comp.unix.solaris:90668 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:31651

In article <aak2.849099802@isis.msstate.edu>,
Atif Ahmad Khan <aak2@Ra.MsState.Edu> wrote:
>alanc@godzilla.eecs.berkeley.edu (Alan Coopersmith) writes:
>>Make sure you have the Solaris TCP/IP patches from
>>http://sunsolve1.sun.com/ installed (for even better performance pick up
>>a copy of the recently released Solaris Internet Server Supplement,
>>which tweaks the socket implementation to be much faster providing
>>WWW-type services).
>Where does one get the "Solaris Internet Server Supplement" from ?
>I looked around on http://sunsolve1.sun.com/ and http://access1.sun.com/
>but did not see any mention of it.  I read the recommended patch
>cluster notes and did not see any mention of it there either.  Is
>it part of the recommended patch cluster ?       

The Solaris Internet Server Supplement is NOT a patch, thus it will not
show up on the SunSolve sites. You can get more information on the
main Sun web site at  http://www.sun.com/solaris/products/siss/

SISS 1.0 will only run on top of Solaris 2.5.1 and if you already have
2.5.1 it is a no cost package.

The information on how to order it is under the Product Specs button
on the web page listed above.

Sigler Sigler
SunSoft Internet Engineering, Web Performance

>Atif Khan