*BSD News Article 83731

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From: wdickson@halcyon.com (William R. Dickson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Installing OpenBSD?
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 10:37:11 -0800
Organization: Northwest Nexus Inc.
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <wdickson-2611961037110001@nocmac.halcyon.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nocmac.halcyon.com

Hi all,

Does anybody have any advice for installing OpenBSD over an existing
NetBSD 1.2 system?  All went well as I installed everything but base20 and
etc20; after installing base20, the system couldn't find its shells
anymore.  Booting into single-user mode, it would attempt to restart the
shell over and over, reporting a problem with the rc file.

So, I reinstalled netbsd's base12 file.  Now it boots into single-user
mode just fine, but when I try to run a program (say, 'more' or any of the
network daemons if I try to boot into multi-user mode), the programs all
crash with a "bad system call" error.

At this point, I've preserved /etc, /usr/local, the user directories, and
my custom kernel, deleted everything else and started reinstalling 1.2
from scratch.  But I'd like to try OpenBSD 2.0...if anybody's got any
advice on trying this, I'd love to hear it.



 William R. Dickson   -   Technical Support           wdickson@halcyon.com
 Northwest Nexus - Professional Internet Services         Bellevue, WA USA
 Voice: 206 455-3505  Web: http://www.halcyon.com/  Info: info@halcyon.com