*BSD News Article 83574

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From: aak2@Ra.MsState.Edu (Atif Ahmad Khan)
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc,comp.unix.solaris,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Apache much slower than Netscape ! ?
Date: 25 Nov 1996 12:46:51 -0600
Organization: Mississippi State University
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Message-ID: <aak2.848946036@Isis.MsState.Edu>
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We have just setup a test Pentium PRO 200 server running Solaris X86 2.5.1
(all latest patches applied) and got Stronghold secure server (Apache
with SSL patches) and tried to run some benchmarks.  

We were very excited about the new server and were thinking that it was
going to beat the pants off of our Netscape 1.2 on FreeBSD 2.1 Pent 90 combo.
Imagine our surprise when we found out that Netscape is roughly 6 times
faster.  I am  not sure what to blame, the Solaris OS or Apache or Stronghold.

Something is not right somewhere and I am not sure how to pin it down.
Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.

Atif Khan