*BSD News Article 83379

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From: mjl@draper.com (mj leblanc)
Subject: Re: On the Naming of UNIX Things
Message-ID: <mjl-2111961156310001@mjl3825.draper.com>
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Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 16:56:31 GMT
Lines: 20
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.misc:26596 comp.unix.bsd.misc:1585 alt.folklore.computers:125004

In article <56n415$5k6@news.ece.nwu.edu>, bonomi@eecs.nwu.edu (Robert
Bonomi) wrote:

>Neither.  In the _context- of "Operating systems design" and utilities
>discussions, it is traditionally prounounced "day-mon".  Specifically
>do distinguish it from 'demon'.   This is -not- unique to UNIX, and can
>be found in several O/S's that predate it --  e.g. TOPS (-10 or -20), MULTICS,
>just to name a couple..

...and then there are those of us who've been forced to take Latin in the past.

The Latin dipthong 'ae' is pronounced, roughly, as /eye/, therefore
"daemon" would be pronounced d(eye)mon.  

If I try to pronounce it any other way, I half expect to be brutally
whipped by avenging nuns.  

Hey, this post may or may not have contained SATIRE, depending upon my mood.