*BSD News Article 83194

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From: Terry Kennedy <terry@spcunb.spc.edu>
Subject: Re: BSDi + AHA2944W + Eclipse RAID
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Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 10:13:34 GMT
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In comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc Anthony Talltree <aad@nwnet.net> wrote:
> You're only the second person to ever admit such a configuration to me.
> The first was a DPT employee earlier this month.
> I suspect that the problem is more likely with my Buslogic 946C's.  I haven't
> found stability with a variety of AUS and Tyan motherboards, including the
> Tomcat II, which as I understand it should be the latest & greatest.

  I'd show you the dmesg output from one of my systems that's been up for 35
days with 2 946C's, except that it's scrolled out of my messages files. And
this system is running the absolute stock 2.1 bha drivers. It's a Tyan Tomcat
I rev 3 (older board) and is the SPC news server, web server, and NFS server
as well as having interactive users on it.

  Tomcat II's were always a bit neurotic. Both the I and the II have been re-
placed by the III, which has soldered-on cache chips (besides Tyan getting bad
runs of cache sticks from their vendors, many of their dealers were peddling
boards with brand-X cache).

  If you're running BusLogic cards, you want to make sure you've got the latest
firmware for them. If you can program PLCC OTP EPROMs, the files are on the
BusLogic FTP site. This is a *must* if you want to enabled tagged command que-

	Terry Kennedy		  Operations Manager, Academic Computing
	terry@spcvxa.spc.edu	  St. Peter's College, Jersey City, NJ USA
        +1 201 915 9381 (voice)   +1 201 435-3662 (FAX)