*BSD News Article 80784

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From: le@put.com (Louis Epstein)
Subject: Re: FBSD Future...
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X-Nntp-Posting-User: le
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Organization: Putnam Internet Services
Message-ID: <DzAxKx.Bw9@news2.new-york.net>
References: <Dz37x9.7vC@news2.new-york.net> <199610111548.JAA29164@trout.mt.sri.com> <Pine.BSF.3.91.961011121248.28443A-100000@main.put.com> <DzA1z6.Gyp@kithrup.com>
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Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 05:22:09 GMT

Sean Eric Fagan (sef@kithrup.com) wrote:
: In article <Pine.BSF.3.91.961011121248.28443A-100000@main.put.com>,
: Louis Epstein  <le@main.put.com> wrote:
: >> >(64-bit 3.x is presumably years away still).
: >> 64-bit is probably more like 6.x or something.
: >Hmm,isn't SCO(which the non-commercial UNIXes are supposed to be years
: >ahead of) already doing a 64-bit version?
: There is already a 64-bit version of *bsd -- NetBSD on the Alpha.
: FreeBSD (and all other 4.4-derived *bsd's) already support 64-bit file
: offsets (to varying degrees, admittedly).
: Since the x86 is not a 64-bit platform, there will never be a "64-bit unix"
: for it.

That's a bit sweeping.For x<3,it isn't a 32-bit platform either...
but for x=8,perhaps it will be 64?It's already got a 64-bit datapath
for x>4...