*BSD News Article 80711

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From: Un L'Unique <Un@grolier.Fr>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: NIS login
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 16:41:46 +0200
Organization: Grolier Interactive Europe
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <3262512A.17DC@grolier.Fr>
References: <325CBF58.84B@grolier.Fr> <53j5h4$ffd@sol.ctr.columbia.edu>
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To: Bill Paul <wpaul@ctr.columbia.edu>

Bill Paul wrote:
> Daring to challenge the will of the almighty Leviam00se, Un L'Unique (Un@grolier.Fr) had the courage to say:
> : Hello,
> : I got problem using NIS/yp on FreeBSD with solaris server.
> : ypbin run, and NIS-UID are correctly recognise as shown by a ls on an
> : nfs directory. Byt login with a nis-user are  impossible unless
> : I provide an empty passwd.
> : - NIS are currecntly not using shadow fueature (I am in the test stage).
> : - I suspect FreeBSD to use MD5 passwd or somthing wich are not DES as
> : contrary of NIS passwd.
> Yes, you need to install the DES package. Go to a non-US FTP site
> and download it.
> : How can I found the solution and/or test this two point ?
> Install the DES package and you'll be okay.
Ok, but I hav two separate problem:
What are the name of this pakage, how Can I install it in an existent

I am starting to user C2 nis, so I get something like that:
>ypcat passwd
untest:##untest:4014:10:Test diver pour Un:/home/untest:/bin/bash
Does this mean that I can't use C2 nis on FreeBSD and that I nee to go
back to 
nis ( and its security hole) ?
