*BSD News Article 80500

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.sys.sun.hardware
Path: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au!newshost.carno.net.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!nntp.coast.net!howland.erols.net!cs.utexas.edu!news.sprintlink.net!news-peer.sprintlink.net!server1.nw.ixe.net!server1.adam.ixe.net!wirehub!sun4nl!dataweb.net!Leiden.NL.net!Utrecht.NL.net!news.iaf.nl!news.es.iaf.nl!yedi!wilko
From: wilko@yedi.iaf.nl (Wilko Bulte)
Subject: Re: 3/60 SCSI Problem
Organization: Private FreeBSD site - Arnhem, The Netherlands 
Message-ID: <Dz4sBG.2IF@yedi.iaf.nl>
References: <Pine.NEB.3.93.961010144943.21595B-100000@kefron.portal.ca>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 21:42:51 GMT
Lines: 36
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:4736 comp.sys.sun.hardware:40240

Ari Rubenstein <arubenst@kefron.portal.ca> writes:


>I recently acquired a 3/60, and am running NetBSD/sun3 1.2 on it.  
>After a few hours running flawlessly, the computer will invariably ditch
>me to the debugger with the following error.

>si: DMA timeout (while polling)
>panic: ncr5380_scsi_cmd: polled request, abort failed
>Stopped at		_Debugger+0x6:	unlk	a6

>Another 3/60 at work used to have the same error, but upgrading to
>NetBSD 1.2 seemd to fix it.  What it going on here?  Tell me this is
>software related, as I'd rather not have to find parts for the beast...

>Also, it seems to be related to how long the computer has been physically
>on (as opposed to how long since last reboot).  The bottom of the case
>feels quite hot.  Could this error be the result of a flaked-out fan,
>power supply, etc. causing the SCSI controller to overheat?

The 3/60 has a fan at the _bottom_ of the power supply. It has a
sort of wire mesh (is that the right term?) over it to protect peoples
fingers. After some time this fan becomes clogged with dirt/dust/whatever.

Take the plastic top off, pull of the metal EMC shield and you look right
into the power supply. Get a vacuum cleaner and a small brush. Get the
debris out. This really helps to keep 'm cool and well.

(DO unplug the mains power if you don't want to be electrocuted by the
switching power supply)
