*BSD News Article 80429

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From: bkogawa@primenet.com (Bryan Ogawa)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: psm mouse and 2.1.5
Date: 11 Oct 1996 12:41:05 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 50
Message-ID: <53m7sh$d00@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
References: <53cop3$aao@newshost.lanl.gov> <53m0h5$h07@newshost.lanl.gov>
X-Posted-By: bkogawa@ (bkogawa)

hlu@retro.lanl.gov (Henry Lu) writes:

>Charlie Sorsby (crs@lanl.gov) wrote:
>: While I try to keep up with the news group, I'm not always
>: successful so I'll appreciate a Cc: to crs@hamlet.lanl.gov.

>: I vaguely remember reading that there is a problem with the ps2
>: mouse under 2.1.5.  Is that correct?

One common problem people are having is that PS/2 support is turned off by
default in the GENERIC kernel.  To reenable, at the boot prompt, type -c
(this is the one that tells you how to boot off of your scsi drive) and
hit <ENTER>.  At the next prompt, type visual.  Go to the disabled Input
section, and reenable (turn on) the PS/2 mouse, save, and quit.  When your
machine finishes booting, PS/2 support is turned on (although you may need
to fix your X or mouse daemon configuration to use the new mouse).

I don't know about any other problems.

>: What are the symptoms of that problem?  Is the problem
>: insurmountable or is there a fix?

>: Thanks for any help.

>: -- 
>: Best,

>: Charlie "Older than dirt" Sorsby                         "I'm the NRA!"
>:        crs@swcp.com crs@hamlet.lanl.gov              Life Member since 1965

>Newbie question:

>I am not able to ps/2 work at all ,  I recompiled the kernel to enable ps/2
>, and it is still not detected.

>I just installed 2.1.5 release, I am aware that there is a fix with current,
>How/which file do I obtain for ps/2 driver / patches in current release in
>order to upgrade ps/2 support? I am now pretty much in despair now without

See above--that may help you (the PS/2 driver is available in most
kernels, but turned off by default).

>Can you email me any solution you got?

>Henry H Lu
bryan k. ogawa  <bkogawa@primenet.com>  <bkogawa@netvoyage.net>