*BSD News Article 80390

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From: le@put.com (Louis Epstein)
Subject: Re: *** Is FreeBSD easy to install ??? ***
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Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 01:15:17 GMT

J Wunsch (j@uriah.heep.sax.de) wrote:
: jin@george.lbl.gov (Jin Guojun[ITG]) wrote:
: > DOS is an operating system even though MS-DOS is a junk designed
: > O.S. by whoever wrote it. The basic O.S. function is to load program
: > for human being.
: No.  The basic function of an OS is to handle the hardware.  DOS
: handles the hardware so poor that most programs handle it on their
: own.  That's why the programs are unportable, you cannot even replace
: the graphics console by a serial console for 99.9 % of them (with the
: minor exceptions of command.com and symdeb.exe).

I've used "MS"DOSes for a decade and am reluctant to see them knocked so;
before that I used Northstar DOS since 1977.Who knows what will come of
OpenDOS when Caldera releases the source code(there goes your "never trust
an operating system you don't have sources for").

At the same time,I look at what my DX4-120s running FBSD 2.1 do,and can't
conceive of my DX4-120 running Novell DOS 7 being able to handle those