*BSD News Article 80301

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From: "Amancio Hasty Jr." <hasty@star-gate.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Audio Playing
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 11:07:05 -0700
Organization: Best Internet Communications
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You can play .au files using:
cat <file> /dev/audio
or installing NAS and then using auplay

Jean-Henri Duteau wrote:
> Is there a way to play .au files on FreeBSD?  Linux has a showaudio
> (or audioplay or whatever it's supposed to be called 8-]), but that's

Amancio Hasty                       
Hasty Software Consulting Services
Tel:      415-495-3046
Fax:      415-495-3046
Cellular: 415-309-8434
e-mail:	  hasty@star-gate.com      Powered by FreeBSD