*BSD News Article 80172

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From: crs@lanl.gov (Charlie Sorsby)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: psm mouse and 2.1.5
Date: 8 Oct 1996 05:28:03 GMT
Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <53cop3$aao@newshost.lanl.gov>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hamlet.lanl.gov

While I try to keep up with the news group, I'm not always
successful so I'll appreciate a Cc: to crs@hamlet.lanl.gov.

I vaguely remember reading that there is a problem with the ps2
mouse under 2.1.5.  Is that correct?

What are the symptoms of that problem?  Is the problem
insurmountable or is there a fix?

Thanks for any help.


Charlie "Older than dirt" Sorsby                         "I'm the NRA!"
       crs@swcp.com crs@hamlet.lanl.gov              Life Member since 1965