*BSD News Article 7952

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From: bad@flatlin.ka.sub.org (Christoph Badura)
Subject: Re: 386bsd NFS mounting other drives
Organization: Guru Systems/Funware Department
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1992 11:40:47 GMT
Message-ID: <By2Ds0.9HF@flatlin.ka.sub.org>
References: <babraham.17.722245711@unpcs1.cs.unp.ac.za>
Keywords: 386bsd NFS
Lines: 13

In <babraham.17.722245711@unpcs1.cs.unp.ac.za> babraham@unpcs1.cs.unp.ac.za (Bobby Abraham) writes:
>I have applied patches 0 thru 58 and am able to do NFS mounts from a SCO box
>of my 386bsd system.  What will not work is the reverse.  
>The error I get involves a message "bad client credential".  I'm sure the 
>exports files are correct.

Check if root on the BSD machine is in more than 8 groups. If so,
reduce the number below 8 and try again.
				Christoph Badura  ---  bad@flatlin.ka.sub.org

AIX is a better... is a better...  is a better... OpenSystem.
					IBM Rep at GUUG Symposium '92