*BSD News Article 7918

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From: pingo@guug.de (Thomas Meidinger)
Subject: Re: [386bsd/X] XDM with DES...
Message-ID: <pingo.722268456@guug.de>
Sender: news@regent.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de (News System)
Organization: Technical University of Munich, Germany
References: <By0E6p.655@news.cso.uiuc.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1992 14:07:36 GMT
Lines: 35

rkb55989@dcl-nxt50 (Rafal Krzysztof Boni) writes:

>	Yet another question... I have the X386/XS3 bin distribution, and
>	definitely do not have room for X11R5 sources on my machine...

>	So my question is this... 
>		What are the mininal sources I need to recompile XDM
>		with crypt support? What subset of X11R5 sources do I
>		need, and what else do I have to do before I can make
>		away happily?? Seeing as EXPORT.LCS.MIT.EDU has an
>		un-packed R5 source tree, I can grab files off there...

>		Alternately, is there anyone out there who has a working
>		XDM with crypt installed that would want to put it up
>		somewhere [discreetly] and let me know???

>				Thanks once again,
>						Rafal
You can grab the sources and the binary from
cony.gsf.de [] : ~ftp/pub/xdm


 Thomas "Pingo" Meidinger               GSF - National Center for Environmental
                                        Sciences GmbH Munich (Germany)
                                        e-mail: pingo@gsf.de
 Thomas "Pingo" Meidinger               GSF - National Centre for Environmental
                                        Sciences GmbH Muenchen
                                e-mail: pingo@gsf.de