*BSD News Article 78968

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From: os@camelot.de (Oliver Scheel)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Fujitsu MO 640MB vs. JAZ (backup only)
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 11:52:30 +0200
Organization: Camelot Online Services (http://www.camelot.de/)
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Reposting article removed by rogue canceller.

I want to buy an external backup medium (no DAT). I need it for FreeBSD,
my little Mac and this kind of operating system ... you know ;-).

Two drives are very intersting: The Fujitsu MO 640MB (very cheap media
available) and the Iomega JAZ.

My question: Is the Fujitsu MO supported by FreeBSD (espacially the
sector sizes)?


*** Oliver Scheel, Zenettistr. 45a, D-80337 Muenchen, Germany ***
***     email: os@camelot.de    http://www.camelot.de/~os/    ***