*BSD News Article 78604

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From: Rob van Vliet <rvv@IAEhv.nl>
Subject: PPP and ISDN
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Sender: usenet@rvv.IAEhv.nl (Super Rob)
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Organization: Rob van Vliet & Tracey McCreedy
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Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:22:08 GMT
Lines: 13

Anybody tried to port the NetBSD alpha "ppp over isdn" version to

I need to connect to my ISP via ISDN/X.75/PPP, and I don't like to get
back to Linux.

Rob van Vliet
E-mail: rvv@IAEhv.nl
URL: http://www.iaehv.nl/users/rvv/