*BSD News Article 78577

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From: bdwheele@indiana.edu (Brian Wheeler)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.infosystems.www.misc
Subject: Re: Unix too slow for a Web server?
Date: 18 Sep 1996 18:28:47 GMT
Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington
Lines: 48
Sender: root@fms.indiana.edu
Message-ID: <51pf0v$feo@dismay.ucs.indiana.edu>
References: <323ED0BD.222CA97F@pobox.com>
    <51nn4m$gn3@usenet.srv.cis.pitt.edu> <51p3e8$l2f@panix.com>
Reply-To: bdwheele@indiana.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: wombat.fms.indiana.edu
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.os.linux.misc:129988 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:27498 comp.infosystems.www.misc:43764

In article <51p3e8$l2f@panix.com>,
	adykes@panix.com (Al Dykes) writes:
>In article <51nn4m$gn3@usenet.srv.cis.pitt.edu>,
>Mark Hahn <hahn@neurocog.lrdc.pitt.edu> wrote:
>>> http://www.zdnet.com/pccomp/features/fea1096/sub4.html#jump2
>>> that Windows NT-based servers run much faster (as much as 13
>>> times) when client counts are low.
>>this is asinine.  show me NT on an 8M p5/100 serving 300 hits/second.
>>that's not even hard with Linux.
>>the sad thing is that these people think they're in the know...
>For chuckles, I'd like to quote from a Microsoft document sent to MS
>Solution Provider program members. From "A Concise Guide to Selling
>Microsoft Internet Information Server", MS document # 7039A, Page 6.
>Support Point: 	Fastest Web server
>Evidence:	Benchmark tests show IIS outperforms all other Windows NT Web 
>		Servers by at least 250%, even outrunning expensive 
>		UNIX-based solutions (which require propriety hardware).

	hahaha :)  I love those guys...to a point.  Its kinda sad that people
don't see through the lies, though.

>Support Point: Always Available
>Evidence:	Web server will not crash. Protected memory and
>		micro-kernel architecture of Windows NT server provide the 
>		most reliabel platform.  
	Hmmm.  Funny thing about NT...if you take an .EXE and xor the
contents of the file with random numbers, run it, and repeat, after a few 
minutes you can get a program that will KILL NT...blue screen...memory dump...
the works!
	A friend of mine did this and it took less than 6 minutes.
	Brian Wheeler

>I like NT, but I'd never claim it's fast. 
	NT is an OK desktop OS, but as a server its terrible.

Brian Wheeler