*BSD News Article 78536

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From: Paul Newhouse <pimin@diac.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: What type of computer to get? Help.
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 12:51:41 -0700
Organization: NAS
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <324052CD.19A13460@diac.com>
References: <1996Sep10.171113.13584@galileo.cc.rochester.edu> <518hht$f2l@cantina.clinet.fi>
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Mika Ruohotie wrote:
> J. Kenney  <jk002e@uhura.cc.rochester.edu> wrote:

> > roughly 800 users, with an average of
> >10-15 logged on at any time, running a variety of programs from mail, and
> >IRC, to compiling.  I plan on putting 196Megs of memory + 3.2 GB
> >EIDE Drive (+ a SCSI card (any suggestions) for laster upgrading)  But I

> and if i'd be you, i'd use scsi drives, rather ultra wide, but fast wide
> does too... 2-3 2gig drives, swap 64-128 megs on each

Yes. The more SCSI the better I would think (in this situation).
I have a gut hunch that the order of 400MB swap is going to be
more like it.  

Good luck on the <2% login ratio.  Again, just a hunch but, I'd
bet (figuratively speaking) if your server is worth a crap, you'll
see more like 150 than 15.  If your 10-15 is correct then, a single
processor (even a 166) would seem more than sufficient.  

Just guessing.  When you get this up and running (for a while)
please post your actual load info.  I'm curious.

Good luck,

    If you don't have source code, it's firmware.
    Never trust software with a version number ending in ".0".
       -Dave Tweeten