*BSD News Article 7735

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From: nelson@crynwr.com (Russell Nelson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: 386bsd and D-Link DE 200+
Message-ID: <721623065snx@crynwr.com>
Date: 13 Nov 92 02:51:05 GMT
References: <1992Nov10.114652.42542@urz.unibas.ch>
Organization: Crynwr Software
Lines: 12

In article <1992Nov10.114652.42542@urz.unibas.ch> balmer@urz.unibas.ch writes:

   I successfully got 386bsd up and running. Unfortunately it does not 
   recognize my D-Link DE-200+ Ethernet adaptor. Does anybody know of
   a driver for this Ethernet adaptor?

DE-200+ is a not-completely-compatible NE-2000 clone.  It was only
sold in Europe.  D-Link provides a lot of drivers for it, including a
packet driver.  Ask them for the source (it's copylefted) and make
the necessary changes to the NE-2000 code...  Sorry I can't be more
help than that.

-russ <nelson@crynwr.com> What canst *thou* say?
Crynwr Software           Crynwr Software sells packet driver support.
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