*BSD News Article 7649

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Path: sserve!manuel.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!spool.mu.edu!agate!ames!sun-barr!cs.utexas.edu!torn!newshost.uwo.ca!news
From: mark@student.business.uwo.ca (Mark Bramwell CS STAFF)
Subject: ftp software inc, their address is...
Organization: University of Western Ontario
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1992 15:59:36 GMT
Message-ID: <2X13TB1w165w@student.business.uwo.ca>
Sender: news@julian.uwo.ca (USENET News System)
Nntp-Posting-Host: student.business.uwo.ca
Lines: 19

For those of you who wanted to know where I got the CD-rom with
386bsd on it,

here is the address of the company....

ftp software, inc.
2 High street, North Andover, MA

Main phone:  508-685-4000
fax: 508-794-4488
sales: 508-685-3300

the cd-rom was handed out at the NetWorld Conference in Dallas, Texas.

mark@student.business.uwo.ca (Mark Bramwell CS STAFF)
Western Business School  --  London, Ontario