*BSD News Article 7533

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Path: sserve!manuel.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!spool.mu.edu!umn.edu!harry
From: harry@atlas.socsci.umn.edu (Kuo-Chen Chang)
Subject: Re: OLD Logitech Mouse setup??
Message-ID: <harry.721200471@puff.socsci.umn.edu>
Sender: news@news2.cis.umn.edu (Usenet News Administration)
Nntp-Posting-Host: puff.socsci.umn.edu
Organization: University of Minnesota
References: <harry.721194373@puff.socsci.umn.edu>
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1992 05:27:51 GMT
Lines: 23

>Hi netters!

>	I finally have the X server up.  The problem was the name(s)
>	of comport under /dev.  The installation created serial devices
>	named /dev/ttyp0, /dev/ttyp1 ....  But in the generic Xconfig.sample
>	file, they are named as /dev/tty00, /dev/tty01 ...  Once I corrected
>	the naming problem, the Fatal error 32 disappered.  But my old
>	Logitech 3 buttom serial mouse won't work.  In Linux, it is set as
>	MouseSystems	"/dev/ttys0".  I tried both Logitech and MouseSystems
>	and had no luck.  Any idea?

>	Thanks!

>	-- Harry

Hello again!  This time I really solved my problem and am running X server.
Well, the problem is the device name again.  For old Logitech mouse, you
must select "MouseSystems   /dev/com1"  if your mouse is install at COM1.
