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From: Michael White <mdwhite@ucdavis.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Drive Partitioning
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 16:01:30 -0700
Organization: University of California, Davis
Lines: 71
Message-ID: <31F7FCCA.31F1@ucdavis.edu>
References: <4t73f3$brc_001@evt-pm0-ip11.halcyon.com> <4t8eop$dim@lace.colorado.edu>
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CC: ameoba@halcyon.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.os.linux.misc:118529 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:24401

Roderick W. Smith wrote:
> In message <4t73f3$brc_001@evt-pm0-ip11.halcyon.com> - ameoba@halcyon.com
> (ameoba)25 Jul 1996 09:13:44 GMT writes:
> >
> >       Well, in the next few days I will be getting a new system, and
> > it will have 2 2gb SCSI drives on it.  I plan on running WinNT and
> > Linux or FreeBSD (please, no rants on which is better.  I'm not
> > really in the mood for a religious war) along with a 300-500mb DOS
> > partition to transfer files between the two (since NT and unix don't
> > like eachothers filesystems).   My problem is that I'm not sure
> > about how to partition the drives so that I can boot off all 3 OS's.
> > I'd like to have 2 gigs for NT, a gig for whichever Unix I go with,
> > and maybe a 500mb partion to try messing around with the hurd...
> Disclaimer:  I use OS/2, DOS, and Linux, so I've no experience with WinNT or
> FreeBSD, though I've followed some of the threads related to them.
> Anyhow, I think the major issue you're likely to encounter here is the fact that
> both DOS and WinNT want to boot, at least in part, from a C: partition (primary
> on the first physical disk).  It's unclear whether you actually must boot from
> DOS, or just need a FAT partition for file transfers.  I'll assume the former,
> and you can modify it as you see fit if this isn't necessary.  I'd recommend
> keeping FAT partitions to less than 256MB in order to reduce the allocation
> block size (less than 128MB is even better).  I'd do something along the
> following lines:
> Drive 0: 2GB
>  ~~100MB  primary  FAT (?)  C:  Windows NT Boot (minimal)
>    ~10MB  primary  FAT      C:  DOS Boot
>    255MB  logical  FAT      D:  DOS files & common space
>    127MB  logical  FAT      E:  DOS files & common space
>   1556MB  logical  ext2     --  Linux Boot & root
> Drive 1: 2GB
>    ~30MB  logical  swap     --  Linux swap space
>   2018MB  logical  NTFS     F:  Windows NT programs & data
> This is intended only as a rough guide; you can increase or decrease partition
> sizes as desired. [Stuff Deleted]
Are you sure he will be able to boot Linux?  I thought you had to have
your boot partitions inside the first 500MB of disk space.  Perhaps this
is not necessary for some of the newer hardware, I don't know.  Normally
one would make a small partition for root in the first 500MB on a disk.
Another thing, is you should be able to boot from either disk.  Again, I
am not sure how (or if it is possible) to do it with LILO, but the
boot manager allows you to boot from other disks (I have 2 drives, one 
with DOS/WIN and one with FreeBSD).  He should be able to have a single
disk dedicated to NT.  On the other, he can make a small partition 
(known as a slice in the BSD community) for the root system (~20-30MB) 
inside the first 500MB, a large DOS partition and then the rest of the
un*x stuff.  There would even be room for one more partition on that
first disk (again using the common def. of a partition... in the BSD
world, each slice (DOS-partition) can have up to 8 (BSD)partitions, so
you don't need a seperate DOS-partition for the swap).

                                                            - Mike

                                                    |   |
                                                    | _ |
Michael D. White                             _______|/V\|_______
University of California, Davis      X------------[_\(.)/_]------------X
Dept. of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering    /o`~|~`o\       
white@halfdome.engr.ucdavis.edu                  O    H    O
