*BSD News Article 74640

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From: gleduc@mktdev.com (Gene LeDuc)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: bootp can't find it's ip
Date: 24 Jul 1996 22:32:33 GMT
Organization: Market Development, Inc.
Lines: 6
Message-ID: <4t68a1$p81@client2.news.psi.net>
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.8 (beta 2)

I'm trying to set up a bootp server on bsdi.  I loaded the bootptab file with 
address, names, etc., but when I started the bootpd it said it couldn't find 
it's own ip address.  The machine seems to know it's ip address 
(config_netstart, ifconfig...) in other circumstances.  Anyone know where 
bootpd is looking for it's address?