*BSD News Article 7407

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Path: sserve!manuel.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!metro!dmssyd.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU!megadata!andrew
From: andrew@megadata.mega.oz.au (Andrew McRae)
Subject: Looking for details on WD8003 configuration bits
Message-ID: <1992Nov6.065405.19704@megadata.mega.oz.au>
Sender: news@megadata.mega.oz.au
Organization: Megadata P/L, North Ryde, Sydney, Aust.
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1992 06:54:05 GMT
Lines: 46

I am looking for details about configuring the WD8003
Ethernet card, specifically enabling access to the boot ROM
socket on the card.

The we driver in 386bsd doesn't know about the ROM socket,
and I have looked at the packet driver for the WD8003 and that
also doesn't do anything with the ROM. When I run the setup/diagnose
program via DOS, I can soft-configure the ROM, or if I fix the
ROM address to 0xD8000/16K, the diagnose program recognises it. I have
fixed the RAM/IRQ to IRQ 3, RAM 0xD0000. One strange thing I have
found is that if I soft configure the board for 64Kb ROM space, and
power cycle the PC, it seems to forget the ROM configuration and
disable the ROM access.

When I put a test 16Kb ROM in the board that contains some easily
recognised pattern data (note this ROM will not have the
0xAA55 stuff that the BIOS recognises), and try to access the
ROM from the kernel, then the ROM doesn't seem to appear in
the address space. To check this, I can run:

 dd if=/dev/mem bs=4k | hexdump | more

And then search for d0000. I can then see the shared RAM area, and
see the net packets in the shared RAM and so forth. But the
area of memory starting at 0xD8000 is still all 0xFF (just like
the rest of the unused I/O memory space).

My thought is that there is some configuration bit that enables
access to the ROM space (just like it does with the RAM), but
there is nothing in any documentation I have found that indicates
how to do this, and the drivers I have looked at do not bother
accessing the ROM, so there are no details about the ROM setup.

Since you can soft-configure the ROM address and ROM size, there
must be some bits within the control I/O address of the card to
control the ROM access. Does anybody have some more complete
documentation about this card that I could use? Has anybody
successfully accessed the ROM on the card?

Thanks for any help.

Andrew McRae			inet:	andrew@megadata.mega.oz.au
Megadata Pty Ltd,		uucp:	..!uunet!megadata.mega.oz.au!andrew
North Ryde  2113		Phone:	+61 2 805 0899
NSW    AUSTRALIA		Fax:	+61 2 887 4847