*BSD News Article 74067

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From: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <bhk@dsl.co.uk>
Newsgroups: demon.ip.support,demon.tech.unix,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Batch FTP and Web Pages
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 96 00:53:56 GMT
Organization: Dragonhill Systems Ltd
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <837651236snz@dsl.co.uk>
References: <4schgu$7t@anorak.coverform.lan> <837555317snz@dsl.co.uk> <4shbes$4r7@news-gb7osp.ampr.org>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: dragnhll.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Demon Internet Simple News v1.29
X-Mail2News-Path: dragnhll.demon.co.uk

In article <4shbes$4r7@news-gb7osp.ampr.org>
           martin@gw6hva.demon.co.uk "Martin Vernon" writes:

> As for a corporate LAN, that's probably just a little far fetched don't 
> you think, he may or may not have a LAN there, I certainly have several 
> machines hooked up together here. However, there is no reason why the 
> posting machine shouldn't have another identity, Demon will not route to 
> the other identity (assuming it exists in the DNS) and if this guy has a 
> reason for an alternate identity, then where's the problem ???

If anyone puts anything onto Usenet, it has to conform to the relevant
RFCs.  Apart from anything else, there's no such top-level domain as .lan
(whereas *yours* is OK, because there *is* a .org domain, and a legally
registered ampr.org domain within it).

RFC1036 mandates quite clearly that the Message-ID shall be unique; the
only way of ensuring this is to use a domain name within it that one can
guarantee no one else to be using: to do this requires that the domain be
a properly identified entity within the Internet's DNS, and not something
local to the sender (which could readily be duplicated elsewhere).

Now whether that's something like the "@dsl.co.uk" that I use, or a Demon
hostname (in my case "@dragnhll.demon.co.uk") doesn't matter: what *does*
matter is that one shall be certain that no one else will be using the
same string of characters.

Brian {Hamilton Kelly}                                         bhk@dsl.co.uk
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