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From: windsor@hedgehog.com (Rob Windsor)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: followup from censored port-i386@Netbsd.ORG
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 13:59:35 PDT
Organization: The Company Formerly known as "Hedgehog Consulting"
Lines: 88
Message-ID: <1996Jun23.135935@punk>
References: <DERAADT.96Jun23070919@zeus.theos.com> <x7dk9wytkmo.fsf@glacier.MIT.EDU> <DERAADT.96Jun23134409@zeus.theos.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: punk.hedgehog.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:3827 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:21988

In article <DERAADT.96Jun23134409@zeus.theos.com>, deraadt@theos.com (Theo de Raadt) writes:
> In article <x7dk9wytkmo.fsf@glacier.MIT.EDU> ghudson@glacier.mit.edu (Greg Hudson) writes:
>    As for the history of the split between NetBSD and OpenBSD, not
>    everyone who's read Theo's mail archive has come to the same
>    conclusion that he has.

> Did they read the version modified by someone who cracked my machine, or
> the un-hacked version?

If I were to pull up the copy that you gave me back in October, how many differences
will there be between it and the current "un-hacked" version?

>    John Goerzen's message did not trigger the moderation filter, or it
>    probably would not have been approved.

> John's message did contain the word "prick".  It would have activate the
> filter, just as the message he replied to did.  Now you might say... perhaps
> my previous one which also contained the word "prick" did not.... but, looking
> at my archives:

> > From: Jason Thorpe
> > To: <somebody>
> > 
> > [ BTW, the message bounced because he used the word "prick".  I'm going
> >   to let it though, anyhow, however.  Otherwise, as has been the case
> >   in the past, I'll just be accused of being an Asshole NetBSD Core Censor.
> >   *sigh* ]
> My original message did bounce, but Jason let it through.  Then he also let
> through John's message which flamed me.  So, John's message DID trigger
> the moderation filter, and they DID let it through.

No, he didn't, it didn't.  It's not there.  I've never seen it, check the archives
(oh wait, those were edited as well?).

> >  Jason did not wind up
> >  approving any of the recent bounces that triggered the moderation
> >  filter.
> Yes, he did.

No, he didn't.

> >  port-i386 is intended for technical discussion of the i386
> >  port, not for political discussion.  One may or may not believe that
> >  it's Jason's responsibility to let people reply to flames that make it
> >  past the moderation filter.
> But he did let a flame against me through, and then silently remove a
> piece of mail that redeems OpenBSD and my behaviour.

No.  You're wrong.  I never saw a flame against you until you burst out on
this newsgroup.

>    Herb Peyerl does not speak for the NetBSD project.  Such messages can
>    and do generate bad blood, but I think it's unfair to use them as
>    evidence against the core team without at least pointing that out.

> There are similar comments from NetBSD core people; anyone want to show
> some of them?


>    > I want to point out that 3 of 4 founders of NetBSD are not on NetBSD
>    > core anymore because of the politics.

>    Lest anyone believe they were expelled, Adam Glass and Chris Demetriou
>    left core of their own accord.  To the best of anyone's knowledge I
>    know about, Adam left because he lost interest, not because of
>    politics.  Chris is still the Alpha port maintainer and contributes
>    frequently.  It's also a little peculiar to refer to "the politics,"
>    because the political issues at hand were quite different between
>    Chris's case and yours.

> Yes, well I have mail from Chris in which he roughly says that he quit
> because the politics over Charles.  But, no that's not the issue here.

"..in which he roughly says.."


-- Rob
Internet: windsor@pobox.com      Life: Rob@Sunnyvale.California.USA.Earth
"Da Web": http://pobox.com/~windsor/

"Ain't much distance 'tween a pat on the back and a kick in the pants."
    -- David Lee Roth (1990), `The Dogtown Shuffle'