*BSD News Article 71608

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From: fmariam@zeus.leitch.com (Fisseha Mariam)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: How to mount Solaris x86 partions in FreeBSD and vic
Date: 20 Jun 1996 14:07:38 GMT
Organization: Leitch Technology Intl. Inc.
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4qblva$ss6@gateman.zeus.leitch.com>
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I have both Solarix x86 and FreeBSD installed on my system - each
on their own disk.  I would like to mount the FreeBSD filesystems
while running Solaris and viseversa.  My question is how to refer
to the FreeBSD filesystems on Solais's /etc/vfstab file and the
solaris filesystems in FreeBSD.

Solaris seems to call partitions slices and I am not sure it
supports the freebsd way of refering to partitions.  My
attempt to mount the Freebsd file system with the command:

mount -F ufs -r /dev/dsk/cod1p0 /freebsd1 

resulted in un-readable filesystem mounted.

Any help will be highly apperciated.