*BSD News Article 7113

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From: bs@Germany.EU.net (Bernard Steiner)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: Repost: Bad sectors, file corruption
Date: 27 Oct 1992 11:49:21 GMT
Organization: EUnet Backbone, Dortmund, Germany
Lines: 28
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1cjac1INNrq0@Germany.EU.net>
References: <pgdga.10.0@ibm.rz.tu-clausthal.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: walhalla.germany.eu.net
Keywords: bad sectors, file corruption

In article <pgdga.10.0@ibm.rz.tu-clausthal.de>, pgdga@ibm.rz.tu-clausthal.de (Dirk Gajewski) writes:
> This is a repost of a problem posted some time ago without
> any response to it. It is not a unique problem, because
> several mails reporting the same problem were mailed to me.

> I should mention that there were NO messages like
> "wd0: hard read error writing fsbn XXXXX (wd0 bn YYYYY; cn ZZZ, tn A, sn B)"

Okay, I'll repeat an answer/questio to that sort of problem I posted a while
In i386/isa/wd.c there are a couple of lines of code that would print out
such information if only they got toggled by something which seems to be
some sort of (disklabel ?) flag. You can copy those lines and unconditionally
print out the information.
The question is, whether or not that flag is implemented (elswhere) and
how to set it properly.

Unfortunately, there was no answer up to now...

Bernard Steiner, FB Informatik/IRB, Uni Dortmund,    vox +49 231 755 2444
Postfach 500500, D-W-4600 Dortmund 50, Germany       fax +49 231 755 2386
bs@Germany.EU.net          ...!uunet!unido!bs

*III  And they gave it Instructions, but knew it not. } From The Book of Nome,
*IV   It is, they said, a Box with a Funny Voice.     }      Mezzanine v.III-IV