*BSD News Article 71081

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From: ssriva1@umbc.edu (Sandip Srivastava)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: User PPP with AT&T Worldnet?
Date: 15 Jun 1996 23:10:30 GMT
Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <4pvft6$3aj@news.umbc.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: alumni.umbc.edu
NNTP-Posting-User: ssriva1
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

I would like to run "user ppp" to connect to at&t worldnet.  Is user ppp 
the same as iijp or whatever it is called.

Here is the relevant information from a file called "att.sr" as follows:

[Dial-In Configuration]
Name=999999999@worldnet.att.net  #login username
Password=123lkjd86		 #password

Note:  The above values are made up, but username does have the form 

Phone=+1 (703) 685-8700
SiteName=AT&T WorldNet


I notice there is no gateway and netmask.  I called at&t, and they say 
that they don't use these.

The IP address is dynamically assigned and in the form 199.70.x.x.  And I 
believe worldnet uses CHAP.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sandip Srivastava		ssriva1@alumni.umbc.edu