*BSD News Article 71041

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From: Andy Odendhal <andyoden@pacifier.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Interupted FTP installation.
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1996 14:53:30 -0800
Organization: Pacifier Internet Server (360) 693-0325
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I know that maybe if I RTFM, I may find the answer to my problem.  I 
plan to once I get home this evening and print it out.

I was doing an FTP install of FreeBSD.  I had successfully created and 
booted from a floppy disk.  This gave me a what seemed to be a well 
designed menu (one suggestion, a back-to-previous-screen feature).  
Knowing next to nothing of UNIX I chose Novice install.  All went fine 
and dandy and about 3:00 am this morning my moden went off line.  This 
would appear to be normal at this point.

However, there were some post download/install questions to answer for 
final setup.  Little did I know that, without warning, it would attempt 
to reaccess the installation media (my ISP).  Reconnecting to my ISP 
accomplished nothing.  (Maybe I should have waited for it to timeout.)  
I tried rebooting from the floppy and it wanted to start from scratch.  
Booting from the hard drive only revealed that installation still had a 
few steps to go.  All I seem to be able to do is log in as root and many 
commands are not available at that.

Is there a way to resume the installation or get the install menu from 
the hard drive, without re-FTP'ing everything again (knowing I may well 
get trapped the same way again)?
Andy Odendhal <andyoden@pacifier.com>