*BSD News Article 6890

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From: eoahmad@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg (Othman Ahmad)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: More problems getting DOS and 386BSD on same disk
Message-ID: <1992Oct22.040256.12137@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg>
Date: 22 Oct 92 04:02:56 GMT
References: <1992Oct20.111953.893@altair.selu.edu>
Organization: Nanyang Technological University - Singapore
Lines: 60
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6]

Mike Whisenhunt zmw@selu.edu (zmw@altair.selu.edu) wrote:
: Getting DOS and 386BSD to co-exist on my 120mb Conners hd is frustrating.
: The great suggestions I have received from some helpful people haven't made
: a difference the way I have applied them.
: I have set up a 30mb dos partition and the rest (82.8mb) for 386bsd.  I
: have used diskedit to change offset 466 from 05 to a5 of the master
: boot record.  Install detects the 386bsd partition and install runs just
: fine.  When rebooted, the system goes into a panic loop saying it can't
: find the disk label.  When I boot the fixit disk and do a disklabel wd0, I get
: warning messages:

Oh God! How many times do I have to tell this.

Use OS-BS , without it, it will surely fail.

: label: 20MB - CP3010
: flags:
: bytes/sector: 512
: sectors/track: 17
: tracks/cylinder: 15
: sectors/cylinder: 255
: cylinders: 762
: rpm: 0
: interleave: 0
: trackskew: 0
: cylinderskey: 0
: headswitch: 0                               #milliseconds
: track-to-track seek: 0                      #milliseconds
: drivedata: 0
: 1 partitions:
: #       size       offset    fstype  [fsize  bsize  cpg]
:   a:    172380      61455    unused     0      0         # (cyl.241-916)

Does it match with your DOS partition table.

: When I do disklabel -R -r wd0 /tmp/dlwd0 /usr/mdec/wdboot /usr/mdec/bootwd
: with the same config above, I get errors about partition a: extending
: past end of unit, as well as warnings that rpm=0, and bad interleave.
: When I slug in some values for these, and reduce the size on the a: partition
: from 172380 down to an arbitrary 100000, no errors are reported and it
: writes to the hd.  When I get back into the dos disk editor, and look around
: cylinder 241, in sector 2, the 386bsd label appears with the value 
: "20MB - CP3010", and yet, when booted, the label can't be found.
: Are there some obvious problems in the above configuration which install
: sets up?
: Any help would be appreciated :-)
Maybe your disklabel is different from your DOS partition info.
Try ide_conf to find the default value
	Install try to get the default value, (probably) instead of getting
it from CMOS.

Othman bin Ahmad, School of EEE,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2263.
Internet Email: eoahmad@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg
Bitnet Email: eoahmad@ntuvax.bitnet