*BSD News Article 68621

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From: dougw@challenge.com (Doug Woodward)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Blocking e-mail from a specific address
Date: 15 May 1996 23:25:37 GMT
Organization: Challenge Business Systems
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <4ndp5h$eed@scipio.cyberstore.ca>
References: <319A4D1B.39C2@goldcountry.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7

In article <319A4D1B.39C2@goldcountry.com>, ptiquet@goldcountry.com says...
>This is more of a sendmail question than a bsd one... maybe someone here 
>can help me.
>I regularly get e-mail from a person that I would rather not get e-mail 
>from. And I would like sendmail just to toss e-mail from that person for 
>me into the trash... like never deliver it. And, as far as they are 
>concerned (the sender) the e-mail was delivered as usual.
>Is there some sendmail rulesets I can use to define a database to 
>accomplish this? A quick glance through the sendmail book has revealed 
>no clues.
>Please help.

While I do not know if sendmail can be setup to reject this person's mail you 
can do it with packet filtering. either at your router or using a built-in 
packet filter program like FreeBSD 2.1 has (IPFW - option in the kernel).

Just block all packets on port 25 (mail) incoming from this persons's ip 
address. If it is a fixed ip address like block only it. If 
the ip address is assigned dynamically then you will have to filter for the 
entire ip mask -

The pitfall with the second one, of course, is that it stops anyone from that 
ip address (mask) from sending mail to you.