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From: David Hopper <bard@tiamat.chaldea.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: HELP: compiling xarchie under netbsd 1.1
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 17:27:58 -0700
Organization: Kitty Empire
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <319A768E.41C67EA6@tiamat.chaldea.com>
References: <BFRIEDMA.96May13192355@spam.oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu> <4nd2j3$9gj@trumpet.uni-mannheim.de>
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To: bfriedma@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu
CC: andrew@wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de

> Andrew Wheadon wrote:
> In article <BFRIEDMA.96May13192355@spam.oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu>,
> Boris A. Friedman <bfriedma@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu> wrote:
> >When I try to compile xarchie.2.0.10 under NetBSD 1.1 using gcc 2.4.5
> >I'm getting the following error message (on the loading stage I mean):
> >[...]
> Define '-DNOREGEX' (or some such, see RegExp.c for correct name)
> and recompile -lDir and -lFwf or some such ;-)

Better yet, go to http://www.warped.com/~windsor/netbsd/install-notes/ and look
at Rob Windsor's install notes for NetBSD.  He's got a huge assortment of
diff's for all kinds of apps, including xarchie 2.0.10.

I _highly_ recommend this site to anyone stuck with compiling an ignorant app
on NetBSD.

David Hopper (bard@tiamat.chaldea.com) : http://tiamat.chaldea.com 
Anthropology Department, Stanford University
NetBSD 1.1 Amiga (tiamat.chaldea.com) : NetBSD 1.1 x86 (marduk.chaldea.com)
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