*BSD News Article 68489

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From: andersen@s4.elec.uq.edu.au (Hans Andersen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Quotas on NFSs
Date: 14 May 1996 01:53:23 GMT
Organization: University of Queensland
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <4n8p2j$c4l@hobyah.cc.uq.oz.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: s4.elec.uq.edu.au
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #15 (NOV)

We are trying to get quotas working on an NFS mounted file system on
a number of diskless clients running FreeBSD.  The setup is as
The server, the_server, is running FreeBSD and has the filesystem
/foo mounted with the following fstab entry 
  /dev/sd0a /foo ufs rw,userquota 1 1
The clients are also running FreeBSD and have the filesystem /bar
mounted with the following fstab entry 
  the_server:/foo /bar nfs rw 0 0
The quotas work alright on the server, but we can't get the clients
to report on quotas.  The server stops the users exceeding the hard
limit on the clients but it does not warn when the soft limit is
exceeded.  Also, when they use the command "quota -v fred" then it
says that there are no quotas on the system.
Does anyone have any idea how to get the quotas working properly on
the clients?
Thanks in advance.
Hans Andersen,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Queensland,
Brisbane,  Australia.