*BSD News Article 68267

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From: tcosson@usa.pipeline.com
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc
Subject: diff between freebsd, 386bsd, bsdi, and linux????
Date: 10 May 1996 16:06:18 GMT
Organization: Pipeline
Lines: 11
Message-ID: <4mvphq$a26@news2.h1.usa.pipeline.com>
X-PipeUser: tcosson
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X-PipeGCOS: (Troy Cosson)
X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0

Without Starting any religous threads can anyone give me an overview of the
differences between FreeBSD, 386BSD, BSDI, and Linux. Are they
fundamentally the same (not counting BSDi's cost) or is there some major
difference between them that would sway someone to a specific one. 
Oh, Please reply to the e-mail address as I don't yet read this group often
since I haven't chose an OS yet. 
Troy Cosson 