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From: Terry Lambert <terry@lambert.org>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Linux vs. FreeBSD ...
Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 20:51:31 -0700
Organization: Me
Lines: 64
Message-ID: <31940EC3.61419F9C@lambert.org>
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Nick Kralevich wrote:
] >FreeBSD is primarily a U**X clone.  That means that we want
] >to support as many U**X platforms as possible.
] Hmmm, is FreeBSD available on the Alpha, 680x0, power PC, Sparc,
] etc? Linux is.

Ran on my loaner Alpha, Jack Vogel's SPARC, and is limping on
my loaner PPC.

Since we are talking only kernels here (you *did* say Linux),
a better comparison would be NetBSD... which runs more places
than Linux.

] The reason why no one on the Linux side has written FreeBSD support
] is because, quite frankly, no one is that interested in it.  There
] has been support for the BSD UFS to be added, but until someone
] finds a need to run *BSD binaries, it's not likely to happen.

NetScape Commerce Server.  8-).

] Linux IDE/ATAPI support has been called one of the best around.

It still doesn't cover every drive because even the "best around"
can't cover all of the crap hardware out there.  IDE/ATAPI is
not a compelling argument; you should just drop it.

] >If you want to compare the system you must mount the
] >FreeBSD disks using the dangerous (like Linux) -o async
] >option.
] Dangerous, huh?  LOTS of people run Linux daily, and never have the
] problems you are describing.  You are, quite frankly, full of it.

I have argued the danger of async writes at length in other
threads.  People's inability to accept the implications of
"the completeness theorem" speaks only to their qualifications
as scientists.  Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.  I would
suggest that anyone believing that async writes are "as safe
as sync writes" needs to take some classes in basic logic
and read a CS text book on finite state automatons followed
by a Mathematics text book on group theory, set theory, and
reversability of set operations.

People who do not understand this are at best, ignorant, and
at worst, Luddites.

] Oh, one more quick question for FreeBSDers.  Does FreeBSD support
] POSIX 1b realtime extentions yet?  Is anyone working on it?  This
] is a serious question.

Yes.  Patches available on request to the author on the
FreeBSD RealTime list.

Does Linux support v10 of the POSIX threading, or only v4 of
1001.3b?  This is a serious question.

                                        Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.