*BSD News Article 68138

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From: tporczyk@netcom.com (Tony Porczyk)
Subject: Re: Borland-type editor anywhere?
Message-ID: <tporczykDr3o55.Iy0@netcom.com>
Organization: ITRC
References: <ADlbrKriXS@qsar.chem.msu.su>
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 18:46:17 GMT
Lines: 25
Sender: tporczyk@netcom10.netcom.com

In article <ADlbrKriXS@qsar.chem.msu.su>, eugene@qsar.chem.msu.su wrote:

> Hi all!
> I wonder if someone somewhere has got around to writing a Borland/Norton-
> style editor for (text-mode) Unix (FreeBSD, in particular). Yeah, I know I
> will now start getting flames saying what a dummy I am for not using
> vi/emacs/etc.

By "Borland", you mean Brief?  I think that's what Borland distributes
now after they bought it.  It was an excellent editor (I have to admit
that despite being a vi bigot :-)

I think Crisp is a Brief clone.  It used to be distributed through ftp
sites, but I think it has gone commercial.  The company's name is Vital,
Inc. (I think they're in Plano, Texas), if I'm not mistaken.  I've seen
Crisp on Solaris and HP.  I don't know if they distribute source

Tony Porczyk     *     tporczyk@netcom.com     *     San Jose,  California
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