*BSD News Article 68054

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From: lirpa1@ix.netcom.com(Loof Lirpa)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.bill-gates,comp.os.ms-windows.nt.misc,comp.os.ms-windows.win95.misc,comp.os.os2.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,alt.org.team-os2,alt.destroy.microsoft,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Is Microsoft's Internet plan more about its love of power than about users?
Date: 9 May 1996 01:00:57 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <4mrg49$pok@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4mlpnf$d4p@sidhe.memra.com> <4mqq8o$6js@news.aros.net>
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X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 08  8:00:57 PM CDT 1996
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In <4mqq8o$6js@news.aros.net> jbrush@aros.net writes: 
>Same thing happens in computers. M$ has problems in their software,
just like
>all companies do. Problem is, M$ users don't get what they need cause
>thinks they won't dare switch for fear of having to do something a
>differently, and history has shown that although he is a lousy
>developer, he is a good judge of his customers attitudes.

If what you said is true, then it makes Bill Gates' success all the
more remarkable.  If his software is so "lousy" and yet his office
suite can control so much of the market, it must mean that there are a
lot of dumb consumers and IS managers in this country.  Did anybody
ever said that one would never lose money by underestimating the
intelligence of one's customers?  :)