*BSD News Article 67841

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From: kadow@msg.net (Kevin Kadow)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.misc
Subject: Re: what use does a soundcard have?
Date: 6 May 1996 16:32:02 GMT
Organization: not really
Lines: 21
Sender: kadow@msg.net (Kevin Kadow)
Message-ID: <4ml9i2$e5d@trotsky.cig.mot.com>
References: <HAFNER.96Apr25184039@suncog2.forwiss.tu-muenchen.de> <4m5n78$3u5@sanson.dit.upm.es> <3189C4FC.167EB0E7@sprynet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: komondor.cig.mot.com
Originator: kadow@komondor
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:18853 comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.misc:16992

> But what use does a soundcard have under FreeBSD? I _think_ fvwm has
> support for it (I use ctwm). But does anyone actually use it? Are there
> games with soundcard support? Or even utilities?

It's also fun to use sox and an audioplayer to associate sounds with various
system activities. For example, my X-terminal at work barks when I get
new mail (read about the history of 'biff'), and plays a sample from
Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail for messages marked 'urgent'. This
can be startling to the cleaning crew late at night :-)

My shutdown shell script plays a submarine 'dive' horn.

Not practical, but fun.

On a more annoying level, I read on the c.i.www.servers.unix group about a
Sun system admin who's configured his system to play 'click.au' for each
access to his web server, sort of the geiger counter approach to tracking
server access frequency.