*BSD News Article 67823

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From: jlucas@uvi.edu (John Lucas)
Subject: Re: Exybytes Tape Drive
Message-ID: <DqzKMs.ExI@tigger.jvnc.net>
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Organization: University of the Virgin Islands
X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
References: <4mjqhg$6et@flood.xnet.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 13:37:55 GMT
Lines: 67

In article <4mjqhg$6et@flood.xnet.com>, vchiu@quake.xnet.com wrote:
>Hi, all,
>I'm newbie to FreeBSD and since I can not get any help or hint from
>the FAQ, so I ask help here.
>I use FreeBSD 2.1R and has a Exybytes 8205 tape drive connected tp
>Adaptec 2940 SCSI adapter, during the bootup the kernel successfully
>detects it as a "st0" device.
>My question is :
>1. How can I make sure the tape drive is working? If any Unix command
>I can issue to check?
>2. I heard the tape must be preformatted before it can be used. If
>this is true how can I format the tape under FreeBSD?
>3. Do I need to rewind the tape when I every time "tar" the files to
>backup? Is the command "mt" to serve this?

1. try writing something small to tape and read the listing back:

        cd /
        tar -vcf /dev/rst0 ./etc
        tar -tvf /dev/rst0

2. The tapes do NOT have to be preformatted. A special case is when the tapes 
have already been used in a different model (different density) Exabyte, in 
which case you need to erase the tape (bulk eraser is best).

3. There are both "rewinding" and "non-rewinding" devices:

        /dev/rst0       - rewinds automatically on close.
        /dev/nrst0      - non-rewinding, must be rewound manually

4. For non-rewinding devices, use: mt -f /dev/nrst0 rewind      OR
                                   mt -f /dev/nrst0 rewoffl (rewind & eject)

I prefer to do my own rewinding, since this allows me to put more than one 
backup volume on a tape. Access the different volumes with:

        mt -f /dev/nrst0 fsf #

Where "#" is the number of volumes to skip over. I also prefer dump/restore 
over tar for regular backups:

        /sbin/dump 0ufB /dev/nrst0 2000000 /www
        /sbin/dump 0ufB /dev/nrst0 2000000 /var
        /sbin/dump 0ufB /dev/nrst0 2000000 /usr
        /sbin/dump 0ufB /dev/nrst0 2000000 /

I use an HP DDS tape rather than the Exabyte, which has a size of 2300000 or 
5000000. In the above example all filesystems fit on a single tape, if this is 
not the case, split up the level 0 backups onto different tapes.

Check the man pages for:

        1. tar
        2. dump
        3. mt


| John Lucas                               jlucas@uvi.edu |
| Academic Computing                   NIC Handle: JL423  |
| University of the Virgin Islands        (809) 693-1216  |
| St. Thomas, VI 00802     http://www.uvi.edu/jlucas.html |