*BSD News Article 67819

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From: robert@il.ft.hse.nl (robert)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FreeBSD <- - Maximum number of processes?
Date: 6 May 1996 13:19:25 +0200
Organization: LSD...melts in your mind, not in your hand
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <4mkn7t$ivp@charm.il.ft.hse.nl>
References: <4mkik8$1ta@orb.direct.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: charm.il.ft.hse.nl

hossers@Direct.CA (Randy Dufresne):
 >Trying to figure out aproximately how many users on dumb
 >terminals can FreeBSD support?
 >Warning on the last part of the above paragraph taken, but just
 >how many concurrent processes can FreeBSD handle?

Uhm, these are two different things: the number of users logging in
depends on the number of accessible tty's, the number of processes is
defined in the kernel.

With sysctl(8), I found the following value (which can be changed):
charm:~/News$ sysctl kern.maxproc
kern.maxproc = 1044

Check the manpage for more details.
