*BSD News Article 67357

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From: bgs@world.std.com (BGS Systems)
Subject: Re: SunOS 4.1.1 and Large Drives
Message-ID: <DqqCqM.422@world.std.com>
Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA
References: <3173F2F2.41C67EA6@oric.com> <eraugust-1704961440380001@sbdsk0838.sbrc.hac.com>
Distribution: inet
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 14:11:10 GMT
Lines: 45
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.misc:22295 comp.unix.bsd.misc:870 comp.unix.solaris:67477 comp.unix.admin:41278 comp.unix.questions:80980

In article <eraugust-1704961440380001@sbdsk0838.sbrc.hac.com>,
Eric R. Augustine <eraugust@igate1.hac.com> wrote:
>In article <3173F2F2.41C67EA6@oric.com>, Ankush Narula <narula@oric.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   I'm attempting to attach a 9GB Seagate Elite to a Sun 
>> SPARCstation II.  I've managed to set the proper SCSI-ID
>[chomp chomp]
>> I'm wondering if the drive is too big for such an old Sun.
>Yes - it is too large for the addressing scheme of the OS.  Your
>best bet is to get "Online: DiskSuite 1.0" from Sun Express.  This
>should solve your problem.  It allows formatting and addressing of
>large disks, hot-swapping, striping and mirroring (essentially
>allowing your Sparc to become a RAID)  If it is to be a server the
>price is a bit on the high end - I think our price here was $2200...
>The basic non-server package is around $800.
>This is my opinion and not that of my employer and should therefore not be considered anything my employer would say or support.

	I have a similar problem to this and the answer may be
the same.

We just bout a 4 gig drive from sun.  The machine gets booted to
multiple platforms.  both 4.x and solaris, for product builds.

Can I use the 4 gig drive somehow on 4.x as long as I partition
it with smaller than 2 gig filesystems?

Or is this impossible?


                Alan Yasutovich		yasu@bgs.com
*I* am "statistically significant"
"Sittin' on the positive side of the bell curve"
I am the "bread winner" in *MY* family  (there.  are you satisfied?)