*BSD News Article 67324

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From: switzel@uni-goettingen.de (Stefan Witzel)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: HELP !  Problems (?) with plp v2.2.4
Date: 29 Apr 1996 14:12:53 GMT
Organization: Universitaet Goettingen
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4m2ip5$fqt@gwdu19.gwdg.de>
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I just try to install plp under FreeBSD 2.1.0. Running the TESTVERSION
I got the error message "Permission denied" when checkpc tries open
/dev/ttyd1 ("serial device open and lock"). The serial device has the 
directory entry "crw------ root wheel". 

Thanks in advance.

Stefan Witzel                                  switzel@uni-goettingen.de         
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