*BSD News Article 67112

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From: Bryan Seigneur <freds@gramercy.ios.com>
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Subject: Re: Help-spammers are killing me
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 01:29:41 -0400
Organization: SONETECH, Inc.
Lines: 50
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Message-ID: <318453C5.2B74BE02@gramercy.ios.com>
References: <jragosta-2304960932380001@ppp-1000.dca.net> <4lmtuv$3bb@complete.org> <toms4-2504961717360001@ppp-30.ts-3.la.idt.net>
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Candide wrote:
> In article <4lmtuv$3bb@complete.org>, jgoerzen@complete.org (John Goerzen)
> wrote:
> > Joe, I agree with that 100%.  I quit posting to those groups because of that
> > very problem.
> > John Goerzen  Custom programming   | Preserve our 1st Amendment Rights   |
> >                                    | Free Power!  Run you computer faster|
> > Main e-mail: jgoerzen@complete.org | with FreeBSD! http://www.freebsd.org|
> Oh joy! Master are you still alive? Goodness gracious! I almost wrote you
> off!...I know, I know,...shame on me!... I had this theory worked out
> where, due to the speed of you FreeBSD computer, you were able to achieve
> light speed and were able to either, leap way into the future or way into
> the past, depending which theory you buy. I see that you came out of warp
> to join us, once again! Goodie! I have this mental image of you looking
> just like that professor (mad or otherwise) from the movie "Back To The
> Future"...:)
>   So, tell me... How are things in the future? Is everyone in the future
> able to speed up their computers just by yelling at them, the magic spell
> " Run you computer faster|with FreeBSD!"?..."Abracadabra!" does not work
> anymore?
> A humbled (and overjoyed),
> Candide
> --
> "Eritis sicut Deus, scientes bonum et malum" - Goethe -
> "Nyuck!...Nyuck!...Nyuck!"  - Curly -

I've thought it before--
Good Lord, you're sarcastic!  :^)  You can't just be that
ticked off just because of Joe, it's gotta be something else.
So I thought you might be from a naturally sarcastic region, like
NY or the vicinity.  So I bothered to look at your address, and 
voila, soho.ios.com!  Could be wrong (I'm in DC, and my email 
address is on gramercy.ios, so you could be somewhere else) but 
I doubt it.  Maybe NY itself.

Y W8 4MS?