*BSD News Article 6696

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Path: sserve!manuel.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!sgiblab!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!hellgate.utah.edu!fcom.cc.utah.edu!cs.weber.edu!terry
From: terry@cs.weber.edu (A Wizard of Earth C)
Subject: Re: Conner 3204 IDE native geometry wanted
Message-ID: <1992Oct18.091654.22969@fcom.cc.utah.edu>
Sender: news@fcom.cc.utah.edu
Organization: University of Utah Computer Center
References: <1992Oct17.105838.18575@csx.cciw.ca> <1992Oct17.155930.19831@csx.cciw.ca>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 92 09:16:54 GMT
Lines: 34

In article <1992Oct17.155930.19831@csx.cciw.ca>, u009@csx.cciw.ca (G. Stewart Beal) writes:
|> >Could someone mail me the native drive geometry of a Conner 3402 (200 MB)
|>                                                              ^^^^ 3204 (sorry)
|> >IDE drive. Install is hanging with floppy and hard disk lights on part
|> >Regards, Stu Beal, VE3MWM, u009@cs.cciw.ca,
|> >National Water Research Institute.

The problem is the keyboard reset or the wrong controller register being
checked to see if the drive is ready -- you would get an endless boot cycle,
probably with a "can't find disk label", if it was the geometry translation.

Note: not all IDE drives use translation; it depends on whether they have
more than 1024 cylinders native; if not, they don't *need* it.

Translation is only a problem if the boot isn't where it's expected.  This
only blows up if you don't use the whole disk or have some other reason for
DOS partitioning, and it doesn't "just work" serendipitously from happy
cylinder locations.

Get the patches kernel (it has SLIP and init bugs found so far) from Adrian
Hall's "rachel" box (address in the FAQ).

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.

                                        "I have an 8 user poetic license" - me
 Get the 386bsd FAQ from agate.berkeley.edu:/pub/386BSD/386bsd-0.1/unofficial