*BSD News Article 66785

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From: j@ida.interface-business.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Help!  How do I set my prompt?
Date: 26 Apr 1996 11:25:34 GMT
Organization: interface business GmbH Dresden
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <4lqbrf$c7k@innocence.interface-business.de>
References: <317E4568.62C0@cyclesak.com>
Reply-To: joerg_wunsch@interface-business.de (Joerg Wunsch)
NNTP-Posting-Host: ida.interface-business.de
X-Newsreader: knews 0.9.6

"Tokewanna Inc." <sales@cyclesak.com> writes:
>I'm using csh shell and I was wondering what the set command is so
>it will show my directory locations.  Thanks!

``set prompt'', but you knew this. :-)

The standard csh doesn't provide a good means to arrange for a prompt
displaying the cwd.  You can only do this by overriding the `cd',
`pushd', and `popd' builtins by something that uses the `chdir'
builtin, and sets the prompt internal variable.  Alas, pushd and popd
are rather complex to implement.

Modern shells (tcsh, bash) allow for a much more sophisticated prompt
string, so your wishes should easily be accomplished there.  For
example, all my xterms display the $cwd in their window title.

J"org Wunsch					       Unix support engineer
joerg_wunsch@interface-business.de       http://www.interface-business.de/~j