*BSD News Article 66672

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From: pmh@ardbeg.islay.sub.org (Patrick M. Hausen)
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Subject: Re: Why to not buy Matrox Millennium
Date: 21 Apr 1996 14:35:20 +0200
Organization: Patrick M. Hausen - private site
Lines: 46
Message-ID: <pmh.830089693@ardbeg.islay.sub.org>
References: <4kfkb2$dgs@coyote.Artisoft.COM> <stephenkDpoDrJ.177@netcom.com> <3170348D.4496D9F1@lambert.org> <stephenkDq2BCK.B40@netcom.com> <3176AFE0.28146F7@lambert.org> <pmh.829934962@ardbeg.islay.sub.org> <31785FD3.214C1457@lambert.org>
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Terry Lambert <terry@lambert.org> writes:

>Patrick M. Hausen wrote:

>[ ... ]

>] >The situation is not analogous.  XFree86 is the car, not Matrox,
>] >and Matrox is a different octane fuel.  Commercial service
>] >vehicles can run on that octane, but your XFree86 car can't.
>] I completely agree with you, Terry. As this arguement goes on and on
>] I can't resist to ask:
>] If Matrox is such an unfriendly, braindamaged company - why the hell
>] even care? I just didn't by their product, period.

>I care because I care about free software.

>As Stephan brow-beats more and more free software advocates into
>"just not buying their product" (because they no longer care),
>then it reduces the number of people available to leverage
>a policy change.
> [...]

Again I agree with your statements, but _why_ convince Matrox to
change their policy?

In a free market for every product with every set of features there
are at least half a dozen compareable products (in terms of price,
performance, features) from other companies with a suitable policy.

You can buy Elsa, Miro, #9, ATI, what the ... - don't buy Matrox.

I mean, you want to invest your (and others') valuable time to
help Matrox sell more boards (that would be the net effect of
a policy change on their side). I don't care how many boards 
Matrox sells - they don't pay me for that.
I buy the product that fits my needs, i.e. the components which
I _know_ run reliably with my OS of choice (which happens to be
FreeBSD at the moment).

Patrick M. Hausen   Gerwigstr. 11   76131 Karlsruhe   pmh@islay.sub.org
"Responsibility, n. A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders
  of God, Fate or Fortune, Luck, or one's neighbor" -- Ambrose Bierce