*BSD News Article 66285

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From: Ravi Cheema <ravi@ruthless.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: FreeBSD and GNU gcc
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 21:18:54 +0100
Organization: Runsoft Corp.
Lines: 24
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <sjqiRAAuaUexEwKO@ruthless.demon.co.uk>
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I'm having problems running an application on FreeBSD V2.0.

The application is written in standard 'C' and was originally developed
on a SYS5 system. The application compiles without any errors using gcc
v2.6. However when I try to run the program, the program exits and the
system immediately repors the following error:

'Exec format error. Wrong Architecture.'

I've ported the application to many systems both SYS5 and BSD based,
however I've never used gcc. Is this a gcc problem or a FreeBSD problem?

This really has me stomped. Can anyone shed any light on this problem??

Many thanks in advance.

Ravi Cheema                        "We take a handful of sand from the
<ravi@ruthless.demon.co.uk>        endless landscape of awareness around us
<ravi@osm.co.uk>                   and call that handful of sand the world."