*BSD News Article 66275

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From: aldham@vanbc.wimsey.com (Danny Aldham)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: SUN moving away from BSD to System V
Date: 21 Apr 1996 19:29:57 GMT
Organization: Wimsey Information Services
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <4le2bl$ilp@wolfe.wimsey.com>
References: <4lce4k$flh@news.umbc.edu>
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Sandip Srivastava (ssriva1@umbc.edu) wrote:
: A friend of mine who does quite a bit of C and Unix programming on Suns, 
: told me that SUN is moving away from a BSD based system towards System V.

Yes, SunOS is dead, and Solaris is SystemV R4.
: And isn't Linux based on System V and POSIX compliant?

Linux looks like SystemV to me. I would doubt that anyone has paid
for the POSIX compliance testing.

Danny Aldham