*BSD News Article 66194

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From: deborah@gallifrey.microunity.com (Deborah Gronke Bennett)
Subject: Re: Changing hostname
In-Reply-To: Eli Lazich's message of Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:13:02 -0500
Message-ID: <oq91fxm29v.fsf@gallifrey.microunity.com>
Sender: deborah@gallifrey.microunity.com
Organization: MicroUnity Systems Engineering, Inc.
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.1
References: <317291AE.883@mcs.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 00:38:20 GMT
Lines: 28

In article <317291AE.883@mcs.com> Eli Lazich <elazich@mcs.com> writes:

   What are all of the considerations in changing a hostname and domain it 
   belongs to?  I tried changing /etc/sysconfig and /etc/host.conf but that 
   apparently is not all that is involved.  Could someone please let me 
   what is required.

Here are all the steps that I know of to change a hostname.
Caveat: I've never verified the change-of-domain step, since
we only have one here. I've written these as pseudo-VI or
grep search regexps.

	Steps necessary to move a FreeBSD machine to another subnet

/etc/sysconfig:	/hostname/ change to new name
		/defaultrouter/ change to router on new subnet
		/ifconfig_<interface>/ change to new IP address on new subnet

/etc/resolv.conf:	/domain/	change if changing domain
			/nameserver/	change to nameserver on new subnet

Deborah Gronke Bennett 	(WD5HJH) 	kernel and device drivers engineer
deborah@microunity.com			(408)-734-8100
MicroUnity Systems Eng., 255 Caspian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1015 USA